Packaging design is the first thing a person encounters when he sees a product, the initial communication between him and the manufacturer. The buyer judges the properties of the goods, their quality, and price by the packaging. Buying decisions are frequently made in a matter of seconds.

If the packaging design does not attract attention, then the person’s gaze will go to the competitor’s product. The packaging design that stands out on the shelf will help create a positive first impression and form a holistic brand image in the buyer’s mind, associated with specific values ​​and projected onto other products.

SM Custom packaging is providing the best custom packaging for small business.

What is the “right” packaging design?

  • The packaging design matches the brand positioning and contains an expressive message to consumers;
  • The packaging design should not look “cheaper” than it should be for this price segment. “More expensive” – they can, but only a little, otherwise the consumer is surprised by the low price of a product that looks “expensive”;
  • The development of packaging design takes into account the wishes of people regarding the appearance of the product. In other words, when looking at a carton of milk, a person should guess that it is milk there without reading the inscription. The exception is when a company offers a new, revolutionary form, but in this case, the packaging design is supported by powerful advertising;
  • The design of the label should be easy to remember. Then it is easy for the buyer to make a second purchase, and the packaging design “works” on the brand image, reducing the advertising budget.

Packaging and label designs are the primary weapons of a brand manager and an important argument for a manufacturer in favor of their product.

SM Custom packaging is also providing the wholesale custom packaging boxes.

How do you create packaging and label designs to make them work?

Packaging design and label design concepts are not just catchy graphics. This is a functional solution that fits into the brand image, considering the product’s characteristics, ease of transportation, technological nuances, and materials used. Only specialists with extensive experience can create not just bright packaging but a full-fledged sales promotion tool.

Before the development of label design begins, we conduct serious research, focus groups, and communicate with the manufacturer. Our strategic vision helps to promote the brand and achieve high marketing performance successfully. When we do packaging design, the cost of production is as important to us as it is to the customer. Experts will suggest effective materials that will not necessarily be expensive.


  • Research of world and Russian experience in this type of product;
  • Identification of the main competitors. Information about them will help to position the product and avoid mistakes correctly;
  • Study of the needs of buyers. Development of packaging design and development of label design considers the visual, associative array that a product evokes in people. On its basis, graphic signs and slogans are created for quick “recognition” of the product;
  • Analysis of information taking into account the positioning of the brand, the chosen niche for product promotion, and a unique selling proposition;
  • Professional photography of goods, food styling;
  • Packaging development – design concept. We develop several options to discuss them with the client then;
  • Presentation of work, discussion, and making adjustments to the design of the label;
  • Statement;
  • Preparation of layouts for printing. Color proofs.

When ordering a packaging design, the cost is calculated individually, depending on the complexity of the work and the scope of research.

We are ready to make a packaging design for you, the cost of which will pay off, and then you will no longer work for the brand but the brand for you.

Published by smcustompackaging

Custom packaging boxes with logo available at SM Custom Packaging USA. We offer wholesale custom packaging for small and large business in USA & Canada.

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