Web services Some current limitations

It is worth noting that while the availability of UDDI registers allows for the identification of services by keyword searches, human intervention is currently required to analyze the results of such investigations. The description of the functionality of a service, reported in a WSDL interface, is purely syntactic and does not allow to automate theContinue reading “Web services Some current limitations”


The goal of the course is to introduce students to the most effective methods to advertise products and services on the Internet to build the capacity to use Internet marketing tools in their situations. Who will the course help? The term “listener” refers to marketers, managers, and specialized professionals with higher education. The universal solzContinue reading “INTERNET MARKETING AND EXAMPLE OF E-MAIL MARKETING”


What you need when you want to become a YouTuber is to have an idea and make that idea appealing to as many people as possible. The universal solz is the Best IT Services Company in USA. So YouTube video editing programs will give you more benefits than you think. Here are some benefits whenContinue reading “THE BEST VIDEO EDITING PROGRAMS FOR YOUTUBE”


Uptime Robot – Website tricks to control the accessibility of the website Imagine you have a super awesome website with great products and loads of website visitors and all of a sudden your website is no longer accessible. Every second that your website is offline, potential customers come to your website but cannot load them.Continue reading “BEST TRICKS TO IMPROVE YOUR WEBSITE”

What is a landing page and how do you use it well?

The main issue of a landing page: zooming in on the conversion rate The landing page differs from home pages and other content pages on websites because you get there only after clicking on a link in an e-mail or on an advertisement (hence the name “page of landing ‘). Each landing page, whether permanentContinue reading “What is a landing page and how do you use it well?”

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